Auteur: Mariette

Bericht uit Neve Shalom Wahat al Salam van 22 november

Dear Friends, A month and a half into this war, with thousands of deaths, hundreds still in captivity as of this writing, a growing humanitarian crisis and no end in sight, it would be easy for us in the Oasis of Peace, to despair.  If anything, our resolve has strenghtened. This terrible war is a…
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Bericht uit Neve Shalom Wahat al Salam van 19 oktober

Dear friends, I hope this message finds you and your loved ones safe and in good health. We are currently navigating an incredibly challenging period, deeply pained by the loss of lives and dreams and apprehensive about the future of the entire region. Despite these trying times, the WASNS community remains committed to coping, staying…
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Bericht uit Neve Shalom/ Wahat al Salam van 8 oktober

To all our dear friends around the world, We awoke, yesterday morning, to a very grim day – one filled with fear, shock and uncertainty. We discovered we were entering into a complicated, tension-filled period in which our camp – the peace, shared society camp; the camp of reason and reasonableness – was under attack from all sides.  Despite this, we…
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Open brief: Stop de ontmanteling van de Israëlische rechtsstaat

Open brief aan de burgers en de regering van Nederland namens het Israëlisch-Palestijnse vredesdorp Wahat al Salam – Neve Shalom.  In zijn boek ‘Een Schreeuw om Recht’ wees voormalig premier Dries van Agt al in 2011 naar de rechteloosheid van de Palestijnen die sinds 1967 onder Israëlische bezetting leven. Voorjaar 2023 zijn het niet langer alleen…
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